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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Many thanks to you all boys...

Hey guys,

just wanna express my deep felt gratitude for your kind gesture and thoughtfulness in celebrating my birthday on the last day of school. :) Pleasantly surprised by you bunch of boys. :) Am glad and thankful to have you all in my CCA and hope we will continue to strive for better heights and have fun as we cherish the memories of these few years. God bless you all in your endeavors.

Mr Tay

Updates for June Holiday Competition and Training dates

Hi guys,

please refer to this calendar to know what is happening for the next 2-3weeks... Take note that the 2 weeks coming up we will be focusing on the competitions at hand rather than training. So those not involved in the competitions, can either come down to support your mates or take a break.

Mr Tay

Friday, May 16, 2008

What We Have Been Doing

Ah, it was a long long long time since I last posted, sorry. >_>

So Mid-Year Examinations just ended, training have started once again! First, we joined the ACSI Invitation Tournament. I'm pretty sure it was a good chance for the group of Secondary Threes (& some of the Secondary Twos) for us to get back on our feet and get our feel on basketball once again, and a good experience & exposure as well... After the tedious Mid-Years. =X

After-all, we're joining the Nike tournament with 'WHOA' prizes; Sponsorship & 7500$ voucher! It was A LOT more than what we got for Adidas tournament last year. I hope we really do great and win it, look at the prizes! O.O

Let's train hard together! Love you guys!